Since November of 08, when Intel launched their first Core I7 processor, the i7 9, Intel's consumer platform has been topped out at 4 cores and 8 threads In 10, the enthusiast platform was given the luxury of their first hex, or 6 core processor, it came at a premium Well, the day consumers have long been waiting for is finally over The answer at the time the Intel Core i7 8700K, a sixcore processor built on the Skylake 14nm architecture, and priced at $359 With a Turbo frequency of 47GHz, the Core i7 8700K is a perfectlyINTEL® CORE™ i7 DESKTOP PROCESSOR COMPARISON CHART INSTRUCTIONS iK BXIK Q4'17 LGA1151 37 47 12 6/12 Yes 95 15D 630 350/10 Yes Yes Yes 14 nm 2400/NA/NA Go i BXI Q4'17 LGA1151 32 46 12 6/12 Yes 65 15C 630 350/10 Yes Yes Yes 14 nm 2400/NA/NA Go iT BXIT Q1'17 LGA1151 29 38 Intel core i7 8700k pc